Saturday, January 23, 2010


Montana gray wolves killed livestock at a rate of one animal per day for 2009, up 50% from 2008 (this does not include wildlife losses, i.e. elk calves).  Inaugural wolf hunts were started in September of last year, 6 months after the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service took wolves off the federal endangered species list.  It is unknown if the hunts will take place this year, since a pending lawsuit might get the wolves placed back on the list. If the environmentalists lose, the wolf hunting quota will most likely rise (Note: It was 75 for 2009).


Not only are ranchers losing livestock, but Montana's compensation fund is all but dried up.  The ranchers have been paid $139,000 for their losses, leaving about $25,000 left in the fund.

Read more here.

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