Thursday, September 16, 2010


Tomorrow I am heading into New York City with my cycling group.  We are eating a hearty dinner at Reade Street Pub in Tribeca, turning in early and then in our saddles at 6AM Saturday morning.  The Amigos (the name of my cycling group) will then make the 135 mile journey from Tribeca to Winchester Center, CT.  Should be a good time followed by another hearty meal provided by our gracious hosts.  Where's my chamois cream at?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Most of the canoeist that I know don't share my love of the old wood and canvas canoes for wilderness trips. They figure you have to be a little senile to lug one of these around rather than the lighter modern canoes.  There's a beauty and a warmth in a wood canoe though that you don't get in any other canoe.  Sure I'll use a tougher lighter canoe for horsing around in rapids with my friends but not when I roaming out here painting.  I've seen bath tubs with better lines than some of those modern canoes.
-Bill Mason