Duane Ose, of Ose Mountain, AK, is the last federal homesteader in all of the United States. He lived in a 9' x 11' dugout from 1985 to 1991 on a 5 acre lot within the 30,000 acre Lake Minchumina Land Settlement Area. In '91, his wife Rena (newlyweds at the time) moved in and continued living in the dugout for another 9 years while building their 3 story log home.
Duane Ose
Greenhouse and vegetable garden
Watch a video about Duane, Rena, and Ose Mountain on KSTP TV channel 5 news.
Duane hauling logs (Note the .45 on his hip)
Duane traps 'em and Rena dresses 'em
Duane and Rena's view of Denali
Read more stories about homesteading, trapping, building and living off the land in Duane's blog.